March 4, 2010

my little peanut

kira. it has been a few months since you had your 6th birthday and girl have you grown. if i would have known how fast the time goes i would have cherished your 5 earlier years a lot more. i will try to take the time to breathe this year and live in the moment so that i can really enjoy our time together.

speaking of time, i want to know why it is that you never sleep. most nights i would beat you to bed, but i have to stay up because you are still reading or playing school or sneaking out of your room to see what dad and i are doing. we've tried to make you go to bed on our schedule but that just doesn't work. you have too much energy flowing through you veins. once you are sure that nothing else is going on, that you won't miss out on a single thing, then you calm down enough to sleep.

that's one thing that i've learned about motherhood for sure. schedule goes out the window. i thought that everything and everyone would just continue to go around my schedule. but when you were born you sure shook that up. you used to sleep about 20 minutes at a time about 3 times a day. i didn't get ANY sleep your first year of life, and little more by year 2. by that time kate was here and i was back to being the mommy of a newborn. no sleep again.

you were such a cute big sister. you would hold her and play with her and make sure everything was okay. i just wish you would be that way now! you are usually such a stinker to your sister. when you do play nice together it warms my heart. she looks up to you so much and just wants to be with you every second. i know that can be annoying, but someday, hopefully, you will be great friends.

i love how creative you are. you are definantly my little right-brained child. you love to draw and make things out of anything you can find. many times i will find you picking up walnuts to paint or rocks to glue onto something. i have so many projects of yours that i don't exactly know what to do with them all, but they are so precious to me that i have them all downstairs in my "kira" box. you are always playing house or some other imaginative thing. and when you get out your guitar and play rockstar it is my favorite.

you love holidays and are constantly asking me which one is next so you can be prepared. you ask a ton of questions, which gets on my nerves a lot, but you are just so interested in the things going on around you. i love that you love learning so much. you are a beautiful dancer and an imaginative singer. you are always making up songs and singing them to everyone. even in public restrooms:)

you care so much about the people that you love. you are constantly thinking of who you can write a letter to and about how to mail it out so that they will get something fun for the day. you love your grandmas and grandpas and are constantly asking to go and see them. you love your cousins too and love when you get to play with them. i wait until the last possible minute to tell you when we are going to grandma's house because then the questions begin...who will be there, can i play with anna/linda, what are we going to eat, can we play with the barbies. will there be dressups...on and on. yes, kira. you love questions. most of the time i have to answer 'I don't know' because some of them are just so beyond my capabilities of answering.

you are learning so much in school. and you love your teacher. it has been a hard transition for me, getting you ready to go to school in the mornings, doing homework at night, teaching you your sight words and reading for 20 minutes a day. we usually make a game out of it so that you will focus and get your things done. i thought that when i finally graduated from college that i was done with homework and getting up early for school. oh no. you don't really consider that it all starts again when you decide to have a baby.

you also have to choose what you wear all by yourself. i can't even suggest that you wear something that matches. sometimes it is so hard to let you walk out the door looking like a hobo with all of your mismatched clothes, but i love that you are confident and sure of yourself. i think that letting you pick your own clothes is so important in learning to make decisions. and, you are getting better at the matching thing...but sometimes! uggg! i'm so glad your sister has inherited this wonderful non-matching quality too. oh well, at least i try.

you love birds and watching them with your binoculars. you love hannah montana and taylor swift. your favorite song is "i hate that stupid old pickup truck" and you have been able to sing every word since you were 4. you are a drama queen when you want to be and so sweet at other times. you are always telling us that you love us and giving us hugs and kisses. you are very sensitive and you HATE HATE HATE the dentist. whenever we go i end up pulling my hair out in large chunks because you are so scared that you have to know everything that is going on and you keep jumping out of the chair and my uncle tom (the dentist) looks at me like "can't you control your child?" well, no i can't! she is her own person and has been from day 1.

kira i love you so much. thanks for being my little peanut. you make me happy.


love, mom

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