March 2, 2010

pick me up

today i went to redbox and got what i thought would be a good movie. big names like robert dinero, drew barrymore and kate beckinsale drew me in. and so i got it as an afternoon-pick-me-up-after-all-the-cleaning movie. but what a depressing show. (it is called everybody's fine). i came away from it feeling very down and disappointed in human nature. so, i went to my favorite pick-me-up of all time to life my spirits and put me back in a good mood. what else could it be but "FRIENDS"! my all time favorite show. I don't even have to watch it anymore to know what's going on. i could quote this show in my sleep. (amy knows what i am talking about:)) i just put it on and listened to it while i played with my kids. what could be better. except maybe if i was eating some sugar coated peeps or something while i watched! so now i am back to happy me. yea! what do you do when you need a pick-me-up?


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