February 26, 2010


kate is my sincerely sweet one. today she taught me about truly sharing what you have to make others happy. there were two cookies left, which were both hers. her brother and sister both wanted one, so i gave them to her and let her decide what to do. it only took her one second to think about it before she handed a cookie to each one of them. what a sweetheart. i love you kate


we played outside today for the first time in FOREVER and bryce was loving it! he stamped around in the snow and played in his car. what did you do for fun today?

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness....who are you??? I rememeber many years ago I had this beautiful friend who always seemed so shy and insecure of herself and now she's this even more beautiful, talented,secure and accomplished woman with GORGEOUS children. Can I be you when I grow up???? :) So glad I found this!!!!!
